As the British Officer came in, Paleface demanded his sword. He hesitated about giving it to him,
probably thinking it was derogatory to his dignity, to surrender to a private all over begrimed with dust and
powder and that some Officer should show him the courtesy to receive it.
Just at that moment, Col. Smiley came up and cried, with a harsh oath, 'Give it up-give it up to him in a
minute.' The British Officer quickly handed his weapon to Paleface, holding it in both hands and making a very
polite bow. A good many others came in just about the same time.
...On the opposite side of the brestwork there was a ditch about ten feet wide, made by the excavation of
the earth, of which the work was formed. In it, was about a foot or eighteen inches of water, and to make in the
more difficult of passage, a quantity of thornbush had been cut and thrown into it. In this ditch a number of
British soldiers were found at the close under the brestwork, as a shelter from our fire. These, of course, came in
and surrendered.
When the smoke bad cleared away and we could obtain a fair view of the field, it looked, at the first
glance, like a sea of blood. It was not blood itself which gave it this appearance but the red coats in which the
British soldiers were dressed. Straight out before our position, for about the width of space which we supposed
had been occupied by the British column, the field was entirely covered with prostrate bodies. In some place
they were laying in piles of several, one on the top of the other."