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Write a short story (at least 6 sentences) that includes ONE of the following lines. You
can include the line anywhere in your story.
1.Time for a bit of improvisation
2. Ed Sheeran wouldn’t treat me like this
3. Fine! We’ll settle this the old fashion way: dance off
4.Your more zombie than human.

1 Answer

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My breaths were short and raspy and my heart pounded in my chest. I felt like I couldn't run anymore but I kept going, my life depended on it.

"Cherise wait! Stop running!" The person yelled trailing after me. The thick underbrush was illuminated by the moonlight, which helped guide me through the forest. Knowing that I was at least 50 meters away in the pursuit I climbed up an old oak and up into some of the branches. Finally taking a rest I struggled to calm down, after all, I had just sprinted two miles into the forest.

I slowly calmed down and as I did I could hear the branches below being stepped on. It was him, he was coming. I knew I must be quiet and stay hidden if I was to survive, so I did my best to move some branches to hide in the tree.

He stopped moving not more than a few meters away.

"Cherise. Stop this madness and stop hiding. I am not going to eat you." He said.

"I can smell you. Just come out and we can go back home."

Dumbly I took my phone out of my pocket and texted him my response. Though he would've found me eventually he knew that I was near.

I texted, "You're not going to eat me. I am not coming out so just leave!"

"I am not going to eat you." He said once more. I got a glance at his face. His collar bone exposed and his raw flesh was exposed for all to see. He was some zombies meal earlier, and I'm not to be his meal.

Just then I dropped my phone.

"Bad move darling." He said smiling. He then attempted to climb up the tree. I kicked at his face hoping to knock him down. On one of my attempts to kick him down, he grabbed me by the ankle and we both tumbled out of the tree. I landed safely but I did hurt my arm. Not broken though. The zombie trying to eat me though, he lay unable to move his legs from the fall.

I got up to run back to the car and escape being eaten that night when he said,"Wait! I'm still Thomas! Please don't leave me here."

"Your more zombie than human. I'm sorry." I said running back to the car and escaping. What a night.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope you like it.

User Mark Andersen
7.4k points