32 for Dominic and 5 for Savannah
You can figure this out by first determining how many downloads Dominic has to make in order to have the total price equal to what Savannah paid just to join the club.
So Savannah paid $100 to join. Dominic only paid $25. So Dominic can spend $75 for downloads before he even gets up to what Savannah paid. Now you can figure out that it will take 30 downloads at $2.50 each to get to that $75.
You could say that Dominic is now equal to Savannah with both spending $100. Dominic would have made 30 downloads and Savannah would have 0. But I believe they want you to go a step further.
So now you just need to look at how many more downloads Dominic would have to make to get to an even full dollar amount. One more download would take him up to $102.50. A second additional download would take him to $105. Savannah would then only have 5 downloads for a total cost of $105 and Dominic would now have a total of 32 downloads for a total of $105.