It really depends on the mouse so i will give a couple of mouses. By (average)
House mouse: 0.68 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.77
Deer Mouse: 0.72 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.82
African pygmy mouse: 0.42 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.48
Wood mouse: 0.83 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.94
Pachyuromys duprasi: 1.4 oz /Weight On Neptune: 1.59
Eurasian harvest mouse: 0.25 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.28
White-footed mouse: 0.79 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.90
Striped field mouse: 0.75 oz /Weight On Neptune: 0.85
the equation to find the weight of objects on neptune is
Weight On Neptune=
x 11.15