They are celebratory and honor the return of Thror's grandson.
"Soon afterwards the other dwarves were brought into the town amid scenes of astonishing enthusiasm. They were all doctored and fed and housed and pampered in the most delightful and satisfactory fashion. A large house was given up to Thorin and his company; boats and rowers were put at their service; and crowds sat outside and sang songs all day, or cheered if any dwarf showed so much as his nose."
"The news had spread from the doors of the hall like fire through all the town. People were shouting inside the hall and outside it. The quays were thronged with hurrying feet. Some began to sing snatches of old songs concerning the return of the King under the Mountain; that it was Thror’s grandson not Thror himself that had come back did not bother them at all."
Step-by-step explanation:
In Chapter 10 of The Hobbit, after Thorin announces himself as the returning descendant of Kings, the townspeople of Lake-town are jubilant and celebrate the return of Thror's grandson.