Answer: Me asigné como voluntario, y actualmente trabajo en una Institución de cuidado de personas mayores. Una de mis tareas, es acompañarlos y escucharlos, ésto les proporciona a las personas mayores un alivio ante el aislamiento. Otra tarea es tocar música para ellos, yo se las compongo. Estoy trabajando en Hogares Trinitarios A.C.
Step-by-step explanation: The paragraph describes the person's duties as a volunteer in a nursing home for elderly people. The use of the verb "trabajar" is in simple present, and conjugated with the pronoun "yo". The direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns are used in order to describe to whom the person does the chore for. Finally, the verb "estar" is conjugated in simple present as well, since the person is describing their location.