3 votes
Within the the Assignment05.java file, you must define the following static methods. In the main method, you may program any code that wish to test the methods you have been asked to define.

1) Write (define) a static method named displayGreeting, that takes no arguments and returns no value. When this function is called, it should print the text "Hello, and welcome!".
displayGreeting() will print Hello, and welcome!
2) Write (define) a static method named displayText, that takes a single String argument and returns no value. When this function is called, it should print the value of the argument that was passed to it.
displayText("Hello") will print Hello
displayText("123") will print 123
displayText("abc" + "123") will print abc123
3) Write (define) a static method named printTotal, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it should print the sum of the three arguments passed to it. This function should return no value.
printTotal(0, 0, 0) will print 0
printTotal(0, 1, 3) will print 4
printTotal(100, 23, 2) will print 125
4) Write (define) a static method named getTotal, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it should return the sum of the three arguments passed to it as an int.
getTotal(0, 0, 0) will return 0
getTotal(0, 1, 3) will return 4
getTotal(100, 23, 2) will return 125
5) Write (define) a static method named getAverage, that takes three int arguments. When this function is called, it should return the average of the three arguments passed to it as a double.
getAverage(0, 0, 0) will return 0.0
getAverage(0, 1, 3) will return 1.33333...
getAverage(100, 13, 7) will return 40.0
6) Write (define) a static method named averageLength, that takes three String arguments. When this function is called, it should return the average length (number of characters) of the String arguments passed to it as a double.
averageLength("a", "abc", "ab") will return 2.0
averageLength("hello", "goodbye", "monday") will return 6.0
averageLength("wednesday", "tuesday", "monday") will return 7.33
7) Write (define) a static method named lengthOfShortest, that takes two String arguments. When this function is called, it should return the length (number of characters) of the shortest String argument passed to it as an int.
lengthOfShortest("abc", "ab") will return 2
lengthOfShortest("hello", "goodbye") will return 5
lengthOfShortest("thursday", "friday") will return 6
8) Write (define) a static method named stringOfStars, that takes one String argument. When this function is called, it should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the string argument passed to it.
stringOfStars("abc") will return "***"
stringOfStars("Hello, world!") will return "*************"
stringOfStars("0123456789") will return "**********"
9) Write (define) a static method named maxStringOfStars, that takes two String arguments. When this function is called, it should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the longest string argument passed to it.
maxStringOfStars("a", "abc") will return "***"
maxStringOfStars("hello", "goodbye") will return "*******"
maxStringOfStars("thursday", "friday") will return "********"
10) Write (define) a static method named midStringOfStars, that takes three String arguments. When this function is called, it should return a String of asterisks (*) that is the same length as the string argument with the length that would be in the middle if the lengths of the arguments were arranged in ascending order.
midStringOfStars("a", "abc", "ab") will return "**"
midStringOfStars("hello", "goodbye", "yes") will return "*****"
midStringOfStars("123456", "12", "1234") will return "****"

User Brissles
7.5k points

1 Answer

4 votes

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Assignment05{

public static void displayGreeting(){

System.out.println("Hello, and welcome!");


public static void displayText(String txt){



public static void printTotal(int a, int b, int c){



public static int getTotal(int a, int b, int c){

return a+b+c;


public static double averageLength(String a, String b, String c){

return (a.length() + b.length() + c.length())/3;


public static double getAverage(int a, int b, int c){

return (a + b + c)/3;


public static int lengthOfShortest(String a, String b){

if (a.length() > b.length()){

return b.length();



return a.length();



public static String stringOfStars(String txt){

String newTxt = "";

while (newTxt.length() < txt.length()){

newTxt += "*";


return newTxt;


public static String maxStringOfStars(String txt, String txt1){

String newTxt = "";

if (txt.length() >= txt1.length()){

while (newTxt.length() < txt.length()){

newTxt += "*";


return newTxt;



while (newTxt.length() < txt1.length()){

newTxt += "*";


return newTxt;



public static String midStringOfStars(String a, String b, String c){

String arr[] = {a, b, c};


String txt = "";

while (txt.length() < arr[1].length()){

txt += "*";


return txt;


public static void main(String[] args){






System.out.println(averageLength("a", "abc", "ab"));

System.out.println(lengthOfShortest("abc", "ab"));


System.out.println(maxStringOfStars("a", "bbbbb"));

System.out.println(midStringOfStars("aaa","aa", "abcedas"));



I hope this helps!

User JRW
6.6k points