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Step-by-step explanation:
Hurricanes, also known as tropical cyclones are natural disasters that form over bodies of water. To survive a hurricane, a family must have a reasonable amount of preparation. Various ways to prepare for this include;
1. Educate all family members on the laid-down guidelines for safety during a hurricane storm: All in the family, including children, the elderly and infirm ones, should be informed of the necessary steps to take in case of emergencies. This is important in case the parents are not at home when the storm starts.
2. Prepare a backpack with essential materials: A backpack with all the needed items such as blanket, medicines, water , and a few clothes should be ready for emergencies.
3. Locate the nearest point of safety designated by the government: This is important so that people are not confused as to where to go when the hurricane begins.
4. Protect important documents either by storage in the bank or in any other secure place at home: This is necessary so that vital documents are not lost during the storm.
5. Get vehicles ready for emergencies: Vehicles used in the home for transportation should be checked to be in good order. This will enable a faster departure when the storm begins.