#a) Specify the memory location [la]
la $s0, 0xFFFF0010
#b) Load immediate Integer-1 to register
li $t1, 1
#c) Load immediate Integer-2 to register
li $t2, 2
#d) Load immediate Integer-3 to register
li $t3, 3
#e) Store Integer-1 to memory
sw $t1, ($s0)
#f) Store Integer-2 to memory
sw $t2, 4($s0)
#g) Store Integer-3 to memory
sw $t3, 8($s0)
#h) Load Integer-1 from memory to Register
move $t4,$t1
#i) Load Integer-2 from memory to Register
move $t5,$t2
#j) Load Integer-3 from memory to Register
move $t6,$t3
#k) add the three numbers
add $t7,$t4,$t5
add $t7,$t7,$t6
#l) store the result of the addition again to memory
sw $t7, 12($s0)
#m) Load the result of the addition to register
move $t8,$t7
li $v0, 1
move $a0,$t8
Step-by-step explanation:
Run the above code and you will get your perfect output.