Follows are the code to this question:
#include<iostream>//defining header file
#include<string>//defining header file
using namespace std;
const double Pi =3.141592653589793238463;//defining double constant variable
class Planet
string planet_name;//defining string variable
double radius;//defining double variable
Planet()//defining default constructor
this->planet_name="";//use this keyword to hold value
this->radius=0.0;//use this keyword to hold value
Planet(string name, double radius)//defining parameterized constructor
this->planet_name = name;//use this keyword to hold value
this->radius=radius;//use this keyword to hold value
string getName() const//defining getName method
return this->planet_name;//use return keyword for return string value
double getRadius() const//defining getRadius method
return this->radius;//use return keyword for return radius value
double getVolume() const //defining getVolume method
return 4*radius*radius*radius*Pi/3;////use return keyword for return volume value
int maxRadius(Planet* planets, int s)//defining a method maxRadius that accept two parameter
double maxRadius=0;//defining double variable
int index_of_max_radius=-1;//defining integer variable
for(int index=0; index<s; index++)//defining for loop for calculate index of radius
if(planets[index].getRadius()>maxRadius)//defining if block to check radius
maxRadius = planets[index].getRadius();//use maxRadius to hold value
index_of_max_radius=index;//hold index value
return index_of_max_radius;//return index value
int main()//defining main method
Planet planets[5];//defining array as class name
planets[0] = Planet("On A Cob Planet",1234);//use array to assign value
planets[1] = Planet("Bird World",4321);//use array to assign value
int idx = maxRadius(planets,2);//defining integer variable call method maxRadius
cout<<planets[idx].getName()<<endl;//print value by calling getName method
cout<<planets[idx].getRadius()<<endl;//print value by calling getRadius method
cout<<planets[idx].getVolume()<<endl;//print value by calling getVolume method
Bird World
Step-by-step explanation:
please find the complete question in the attached file:
In the above-program code, a double constant variable "Pi" is defined that holds a value, in the next step, a class "Planet" is defined, in the class a default and parameter constructor that is defined that hold values.
In the next step, a get method is used that return value, that is "planet_name, radius, and volume".
In the next step, a method "maxRadius" is defined that accepts two-parameter and calculate the index value, in the main method class type array is defined, and use an array to hold value and defined "idx" to call "maxRadius" method and use print method to call get method.