Yes, she is. The exact product of 602 and 341 is 205,282.
To determine the exact product of 602 and 341, both numbers must be multiplied, obtaining the result. To do this, said number can be decomposed, to facilitate the operation and to be able to corroborate the accuracy of the result.
So, we can multiply 602 by 300, plus 602 by 40 and 602 by 1, and add the results.
Therefore, since 602 times 300 is equal to 180,600 (602 x 300 = 180,600); that 602 times 40 is equal to 24,080 (602 x 40 = 24,080); and since 602 times 1 is equal to 602, all those values must be added.
So 180,600 plus 24,080 equals 204,680. And in turn, 204,680 plus 602 equals 205,282. Therefore, the proposed result is correct.