Step-by-step explanation:
Reducing the cost of capital. In today’s volatile environment, the implementation of good governance practices can lead to a reduction in a company’s cost of capital. An organisation that is seen to be stable, reliable and able to mitigate potential risks will be able to borrow funds at a lower rate than those with weak corporate governance. Companies with debt or equity investors may find that their investors pay a premium to work with a company that has a sound governance framework.
Improving top-level decision-making. There is a strong and demonstrable link between an organisation’s governance and rapid decision-making associated with improved performance, explains the Corporate Governance Institute in a recent report. Moreover, a number of performance failures have been directly linked to poor governance. There is no doubt that good governance assures rapid access to information and the good communication among stakeholders that leads to better results. Good governance also enables rapid and accurate prioritising of actions. This can prove invaluable in enabling the organisation to weather tough economic storms and supports the organisation’s sustainability