ent valu
1 indicat
exists.. P
1. What are C.W.'s normal VS? How about abnormal?
2. From information you have gathered about C.W., are your VS readings
believable, or do they seem not to fit your patients current condition?
3. Which VS would you report to your superior?
4. What are possible causative factors for each of his abnormal VS?
Thinking Further
1. What do you think C.W.'s little pill is most likely for?
2. What two life altering events do C.W.'s hx and current condition (including
his VS) put him at risk for? (We have discussed each in the vocabulary
covered so far in the course)
3. One vital sign we have not yet discussed is pulse oximetry. It measures how
well oxygenated your blood is. Normal range is from 92% to 100%. Do you
think C.W. has a normal pulse ox. at this time? What part of his hx and which
VS can you use to support your hypothesis?
5 types
main prob