See answers below
Step-by-step explanation:
Recall that accuracy describes how close the measurement is to the real value, while precision depends on the number of significant figures that the instrument allows to measure.
Given these concepts, and the information provided:
Rahul Tran Lea Rosa
152 150 153.8 149.9 (g)
we can mark the following:
Rosa and Tran have the most accurate data. TRUE (they show the numbers closer to the real one of 150.0 gr)
Tran's value is more precise than Rahul's. FALSE (they both have the same precision to the gram)
Lea's and Rosa's data have the same degree of precision. TRUE (both have precision to a tenth of a gram)
Tran has the most accurate result. TRUE (the real value is 150.0)
Rahul's value is more accurate but less precise than Lea's. TRUE (Lea's is 3.8 away from the real value, while Rahul's is 2 away)