ok.... how long does it have to be??
Step-by-step explanation:
"I can't believe you wasted your money on that stupid island, I mean from all the other stuff but why this island?!" my mom said
i couldn't help but to put the phone on the table as she let her flame of anger go by.
" You done now?"
"Ugh yes, so tell me, Why waste the money on this?"
"Well mom, i got it really cheap because supposedly this island was hunted or something like that. And i know for a fact that they're no such thing as ghost."
" hmm, that's not what i remember when you were a kid"
"MOM, i was 3 when that happened, plus i you know very well that my cousin Alex would do mean things to me."
"Oh well, if you say so, anyways have to go, your father is going to take me to a restaurant this evening so i must get myself ready. ta-ta darling"
"yeah bye mom." i said as i hanged up. i couldn't stand how they were always complaining that i would waste the money on something stupid while they waste their money on food that cost more than their clothes.
i know that have to write and i will i just need to do something right now. I'll come back. i promise