Ok audry vamos a esto,Si eso pasa,Los viruses dejaran de infectar o será peor? Si se redefina las caracterÃsticas de la vida,Nos adaptarianos rapido?Que ganamos con cambiar eso? porque se debe de cambiar?
Ok audry let's get to this, if that happens, will the viruses stop infecting or will it be worse? If we redefine the characteristics of life, we adapt quickly? What do we gain by changing that? why should it be changed?
Step-by-step explanation:
esas son las preguntas que tienes que hacer a ver si hace sentido el cambio que quieren hacer porque de que vale hacer un cambio sin saber si nos va a beneficiar o no O si eso va a resolver el conflicto. (is me lorenny XD )
Those are the questions that you have to ask to see if the change they want to make makes sense because of what is worth making a change without knowing if it will benefit us or not or if it will resolve the conflict. (is me lorenny XD)