When to | go out, | my nurse | doth wrap
Me in | my com | -forter | and cap;
The cold | wind burns | my face, | and blows
Its frost | -y pep | -per up | my nose.
Black are | my steps | on sil |-ver sod;
Thick blows | my frost |-y breath | abroad;
And tree | and house, | and hill | and lake,
Are frost |-ed like | a wed | -ding-cake.
Step-by-step explanation:
The stanzas shown in the question above had the words marked and separated according to what the question above asked. However, it is necessary to emphasize some concepts:
The stressed syllables are the syllables of greater sound intensity, you can see that when you speak them you have a stronger sound. Non-stressed syllables, on the other hand, are those that demonstrate a softer and more delicate sound intensity.