The options are not given, here are the options.
A. Synctium
C) anastomoses
D) proplases
E) autorhythmicity
The correct option is C
Step-by-step explanation:
It is Anatomoses because it is connections between two structures that diverge which is normally formed by tubular structures like blood vessels in the circulatory system which serve as backup channel that allow continual blood flow to the heart and muscles if one channel or passage is blocked.
Anatomoses between arteries and veins will result in many arteries and veins.
There are three types of Anatomoses
1. Arterioarterial anastomosis which connects two arteries together.
2. Venovenous anastomosis is the one connect two veins together
3. Arteriovenous anastomosis is a type that connect an artery to a vein.