12. Landmarks, such as McDonald's
13. The relationship between humans and their environment
14. Deforestation for that new parking lot McDonald's need
15. The physical processes and interactions among four physical systems, Earth's atmosphere, land, water and life
16. That one factory creating pollution into the air and water like its nothing
17. Populations, their movements and migrations, their cultures and religions, and their economic activity
18. People running from China to America because of "cor"rona" possibly spreading their culture and religion, and increasing American economy from all the plane tickets bought
19. Resource use, natural hazards, sustainable development, landscape studies, cultural ecology, and environmental conservation
20. When we want to use nonrenewable resources instead of renewable ones, creating pollution, which is a natural hazard, then causing everything to be used up (like trees, fossil fuels, and etc)
21. To understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life, to learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world
22. Local geographers study this, and some individuals can benefit from this
hope this was helpful <3