This is too complex, you have to write your own essays.
Please include what kind of essay, as well.
I'd imagine that it's a type of story.
Step-by-step explanation:
I can help you write an outline, though.
Title: (You decide)
Main characters:
James is a 12 year old boy who loves exploring the woods.
Olivia is an 11 year old girl who loves painting and drawing landscapes.
Where this is set:
The woods in (You decide where the woods are)
James wants to go to the woods to dig around for things that are important after seeing a show about it. Olivia needs some convincing, because she's scared of bears.
He eventually convinces her.
They set out on (Date and time) to go look. James, after a while, begins to lose hope.
Olivia lets him know that he can find something, that he was great at this and it would happen eventually. Today. (Go into more detail with that)
He regains confidence and continues looking. He then finds a beautiful...thing. He doesn't know what it its. He looks for a while and then realizes!
"It was the moment when I found something, I realized must be aerial treasure!".
James and olivia go home. They are very happy with their findings, and consider going again tomorrow.
(Summary end)
What have the characters learned? To never give up hope, because something good may happen to change a bad situation.
How can this help people? It can help people to get through tough times.
INCLUDE CITATIONS! Give me the credit of making the summary. It wouldn't be ok if you didn't let your teacher know I helped you out...That would be cheating.
Good luck on your essay!