The Industrial Revolution changed the world by transforming business, economics, and society. These shifts had major effects on the world and continue to shape it today.
Before industrialization, most European countries had economies dominated by farming and artisan crafts such as hand-woven cloth. Social structures had remained largely unchanged since the Middle Ages. Yet once industrialization commenced, work and family life transformed.
According to most historians, the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the middle of the 18th century. At the time, most people rarely traveled beyond the small and medium-sized villages where they lived. So rural people worked as subsistence farmers, which meant they grew crops to feed themselves and their families, not to trade or sell.
The European population grew substantially during the 18th century, and farmers increased production to keep pace. Machines became widely used in farming, and consequently, farms required fewer workers. Large, technologically advanced farms replaced subsistence farms.
Basically the United States went through dramatic economic change during andafter the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changedsociety. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed (monopolistic practices, work conditions, low wages, arbitraryand oppressive expectations) led to an increased role of the governmentin regulating businesses and society.
Step-by-step explanation:
I know it's too long but hope this helped you to understant in general how industrialization was.