Create a program that ask the user to enter the number of switches and calculates the
possible outcomes that can come from those many number of switches (on / off).
Follow the steps given below to achieve the desired result:
● Step 1: Get the number of switches from the user and store it in a variable (lets
say switches).
● Step 2: Initialize 3 variables max_poss = 2, i = 1 and power = 1, where,
○ max_poss = 2 denotes the maximum possibile outcome of 1 switch (i.e. on
and off),
○ i is used to set the condition in while loop and it will keep incrementing
unless all the switches are over.
○ power variable is further used to store the result.
● Step 3: Define a while loop with a condition to execute till the value of i is less
than or equal to switches.
● Step 4: Inside the while loop,
○ Multiply the value stored in max_poss with power and store the result in
○ Increment the value of i by 1.
For eg: When switches = 2, In the
1st iteration, power = 2 and in the 2nd iteration, power = 2 * 2 i.e. 4. This indicates that, the
number of possible outcomes = 2switches, where switches denotes the number of
● Step 5: Print the total number of possible outcomes stored in variable power.
plss help me with this