Lifestyle :-
Letting negative thoughts enter your mind . Though much importance is not given to the way in which our thoughts go it is important to keep negative thoughts and feelings at bay . Since the person in the picture is not getting good thoughts he is said to be affected by the negativity of his thoughts .
Effects on the respiratory system and circulatory system :-
When negative thoughts enter our mind , we start to breathe more shallowly then we usually do . This makes the oxygen supply in our body low . Due to the decrease or lack of oxygen supply in our body , our blood pressure increases to constantly maintain the energy levels . This increase in blood pressure affects us in ways more than one .

Lifestyle :-
Eating unhealthy foods like pizza and burger . Eating of unhealthy food should always be avoided as it can affect the circulatory system by slowing down the process of dirt removal from our body by blood .
Effects on the respiratory system and circulatory system :-
Eating unhealthy foods will secrete a lot of unwanted acids in our body . Removing all these wastes , would take a lot of work by our blood due to which oxygen supply may decrease due to which energy production in our cells also called cellular respiration will get slowered down . Another issue is that it will take a lot of time for these fats to get digested and rea h the cell . It will also take a lot of time to convert all this digested food into energy , as more oxygen will be required to convert more glucose into energy .

Lifestyle :-
Smoking cigarettes . In this picture the person is smoking cigarettes , which is not healthy for our health as it can affect our respiratory system , which will in turn affect our circulatory system .
Effects on the respiratory system and circulatory system :-
Smoking cigarettes can damage our lungs due to which intake of oxygen will become difficult . When , oxygen intake is less , no energy would be able to get produced as oxygen helps glucose convert into energy .

Lifestyle :-
The person in the image is drinking a cool drink . But what it is actually called is " aerated drinks " as carbon dioxide is added to it to make it frizzy .
Effects on the respiratory system and circulatory system :-
Drinking aerated drinks should be avoided at all costs because when we drink it , we are indirectly letting unwanted carbon dioxide enter our body . This can cause a lot of harm as unwanted carbon dioxide will take more blood to pump it outside , thereby increasing blood pressure and decreasing energy as blood is using energy to pump out carbon dioxide . There is also a chance of carbon damage turning into carbon monoxide in our blood , which will result in the immediate death of the person whose blood had carbon monoxide .

Lifestyle :-
Spraying air fresheners and insect repellents . The person in the picture is using a room freshener, which is very unhealthy as it can damage our respiratory system when unwanted gases enter it . Hence , air fresheners and insect repellents should never be near us , as it has the potential of harming us .
Effects on the respiratory system and circulatory system :-
When we spray air fresheners , we are letting the harmful gases in it to enter our respiratory system . This will cause great harm to our lungs . When the same unwanted gas filled oxygen mixes with our blood it can cause serious damage to our circulatory system . That is why we say air fresheners damage both our respiratory system as well as our circulatory system .