Cultivating sunflowers provides benefits beyond pretty looking flowers. Which two details below from different sources support this claim?
A: “Helianthus annuus is the quintessential American flower”
B: “Among the crops identified as potential sources of bioethanol are: sugarcane, sweet sorghum, coconut, corn, cassava, and jathropa. And now, sunflower is also coming into the picture as another potential biosource for ethanol”
C: “When the sunflower isn’t doing work, it dresses up nicely. This year, Ms, Grieg and her friend Molly Culver, 31 will include sunflowers in designs for a half-dozen weddings as part of a side business called Molly Oliver Flowers”
D: “...Growers and experimenting with sunflowers in a soil-treatment practice called phytoremediation. In filed tests last summer, the plants deep taproots seemed to pull heavy metal contaminants like mercury and lead from the gardens polluted soil”