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Which of the following best describes psychodynamic perspective?

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The term "psychodynamics" is usually understood as movement, unfolding, growth and decay, interaction and struggle of forces within the human psyche. Then the psychodynamic approach is an approach according to which the processes that are visible to a person, occurring in his psyche, are determined not by external circumstances, not by the mind or will of a person, but by the independent dynamics (interaction and struggle) of forces inside the psyche.

The psychodynamic approach proceeds from the assumption that the human psyche has its own movements and interactions of energies that cannot be reduced to physiological or social influences.

K. Jung, A. Adler, O. Rank, G. Sullivan, K. Horney, E. Fromm and many others worked in the psychodynamic approach. Today, in practical psychology, within the framework of these approaches, there are (among the most famous schools and directions) transactional analysis, psychodrama (as its variety - systemic constellations) and body-oriented psychotherapy. The desire for superiority, an inferiority complex are also concepts of the psychodynamic approach. Domestic personality-oriented reconstructive psychotherapy based on the psychology of relations V.N. Myasishchev - a kind of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Existential-humanistic psychotherapy - similarly. If you list all schools and directions, then the list is as follows →

The psychodynamic approach does not always give clear answers about the causes of what is happening and the patterns of flow, we are often satisfied with general indications of the directions for the search for such mechanisms. If over and over again, sometimes in a dream, sometimes in reality, strange images and memories pop up, as if we are standing on the edge of a cliff and cannot decide to take a step forward, although we feel that we may have wings - we can assume that such pictures may be associated with such and such repressed desires. Understanding when and why you suppressed these desires and what these suppressed desires are doing to you now, you find yourself inside the psychodynamic approach.

The psychodynamic approach admits that some aspects of our behavior, in principle, cannot receive simple explanations.

The dynamics of internal energies is not necessarily deep, it can lie on the surface, be elementary for understanding. "Action is equal to reaction", "The more you push, the more resistance..."

It is important to understand that simple speakers are not synonymous with "unimportant". The dynamics of distraction, or patterns of fatigue, are of the utmost importance, although it is difficult to classify them as deep dynamics.

On the other hand, deep dynamics is not a synonym for something necessarily important and significant. During auto-training of the highest level, color discharges begin to occur in the human mind. There is some regularity in them, we can assume that this is due to the dynamics of some internal, apparently deep energies, but it is difficult to say whether this reflects something important or is only "internal noise".

Not all dynamics dictate a person's behavior. While classical psychoanalysis describes cases where a person’s behavior was rigidly controlled by internal dynamics, was a necessary consequence of internal impulses and states, in Jungianism and the humanistic approach it often turns out that despite the influence of deep dynamics, a person’s external behavior can fully meet the circumstances, be socially adequate and within reasonable limits.

Some internal dynamics leave room for the person or his environment to carry out some activity (soft dynamics), others essentially dictate how the person will behave (hard dynamics).

Classical psychoanalysis describes cases when a person's behavior was controlled by rigid dynamics, was the result of internal impulses and states.

In other approaches, the external, social behavior of a person fully corresponded to external circumstances, was adequate and within the framework, but internal dynamics were of interest as an expression of what is happening in the inner world, the world of feelings and relationships. This is Jungianism and the humanistic approach.

Why do psychologists and clients of psychologists have an interest in the dynamics of the internal energies of a person? - Oddly enough, this is not an easy question. Knowledge of laws in science makes it possible (at least theoretically) to predict the course of the processes under study, but in psychological work this is practically not in demand. Sigmund Freud and his followers believed that the client's understanding of his internal situation, his awareness of the internal conflict removes him, but this assumption was not confirmed: awareness may or may not affect what is happening inside us.

User Vjangus
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