0 votes
Problem Statement You have been asked to write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on number of years worked as well as if the employee is a manager or hourly employee. They are also allowed no discount once they have received $200 in discounts for the year.

User Barif
6.8k points

1 Answer

6 votes


The code has been written in C

Step-by-step explanation:

//input libraries fist, the code is in C




main ()


int years, ch = 1;

float i, s, previous, day, discount, ytd, bef, disct, total, summation = 0, totalb =

0, totala = 0;

char a[10], b[3];



l1:printf ("Input number of Years Employed");

scanf ("%d", &years);

if (years < 0)


printf ("invalid Please Re-Input");

goto l1;


l2:printf ("Input Totalal Previousious Purchases Before Discount");

scanf ("%f", &previous);

if (previous < 0)


printf ("Previousious Purchases cant be bellow zero");

goto l2;


printf ("Input Employee Status");

scanf ("%s", a);

l3:printf ("Input Days Purchase");

scanf ("%f", &day);

if (day < 0)


printf ("Purchases Cannot be minor than zero");

goto l3;


if (strcmp (a, "MANAGER") == 0)


if (previous >= 200)


discount = 0;

ytd = previous;

bef = previous;

disct = 0;

total = day;

summation += day;

totalb += day;

totala += day;




if (years >= 1 && years <= 3)

discount = 0.2;

else if (years >= 4 && years <= 6)

discount = 0.24;

else if (years >= 7 && years <= 10)

discount = 0.3;

else if (years >= 11 && years <= 15)

discount = 0.35;


discount = 0.4;

ytd = previous * discount;

bef = 200 - ytd;

s = day * discount;

i = (bef - s);

if (i < 0)


bef = previous;

disct = bef;

total = day - disct;

summation += total;

totalb += day;

totala += total;




bef = previous;

disct = i;

total = day - disct;

summation += total;

totalb += day;

totala += total;






if (previous >= 200)


discount = 0;

ytd = previous;

bef = previous;

disct = 0;

total = day;

summation += day;

totalb += day;

totala += day;




if (years >= 1 && years <= 3)

discount = 0.1;

else if (years >= 4 && years <= 6)

discount = .14;

else if (years >= 7 && years <= 10)

discount = 0.2;

else if (years >= 11 && years <= 15)

discount = 0.25;


discount = 0.3;

ytd = previous * discount;

bef = 200 - ytd;

s = day * discount;

i = (bef - s);

if (i < 0)


bef = previous;

disct = bef;

total = day - disct;

summation += total;

totalb += day;

totala += total;




bef = previous;

disct = i;

total = day - disct;

summation += total;

totalb += day;

totala += total;




printf (" Discount =%f\\", discount);

printf ("= YTD=%f\\", ytd);

printf ("Employees Purchase Before Discount=%f\\", bef);

printf ("Employees Discount Day = %f\\", disct);

printf ("Employees Total Purchase=%f\\", total);

printf ("Continue Input YES if OK");

scanf ("%s", b);

if (strcmp (b, "YES") != 0)

ch = -1;


while (ch == 1);

printf ("total of Purchases Day = %f\\", summation);

printf ("Total of Before Discounts Day = %f\\", totalb);

printf ("Totalal of Discounts day = %f\\", totala);



Input number of Years Employed2

Input Totalal Previousious Purchases Before Discount3

Input Employee Status4

Input Days Purchase5

Employee Discount =0.100000

Employees YTD=0.300000

Employees Purchase Before Discount=3.000000

Employyes Discount Day = 199.199997

Employees Totalal Purchase=-194.199997

Do you Wish to Continue Input YES if OK

User Gustafc
7.3k points