Answer and explanation:
Emma is a short story written by Carolyn Cole. The story is narrated by a little girl Dory who is very close to her mother Emma. Emma is, for both Dory and her best friend Maria, a great example of how women should be. Jack, Dory`s father, doesn`t spend much time at home, and he is suspected of cheating on Emma. Mrs. Robinson keeps interfering in Emma`s life with unwanted advice, and jealousy towards Emma is obvious. Even Maria, Mrs. Robinson`s daughter likes Emma more than her own mother. As the story goes on, Emma loses her life in a car accident, after she saw Jack with another woman. Mrs. Robinson uses this situation and starts a relationship with Jack. She also sends both girls to a boarding school in order to have Jack and all her free time just for herself. So, from the beginning, she was a negative character, which she finally fully proved after Emma`s death.