1 18
2 26
3 7
4 same number of electrons
5 Si Te Sb B Ge Po As
6 metalloids
7 Shiny, brittle, solids, good electrical conductors
8 group1 except for hydrogen
9 lustrous, malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity
10Alkali metals
11 High reactive metals.
Not found freely in nature.
Stored in a mineral oil solution.
Low melting points.
12 noble gases
13 Group 2A
14 have two valence electrons or the electrons furthest from the nucleus,
15 Halogen
16 Melting and Boiling Points (increases down the group)
Atomic Radius (increases down the group)
Ionization Energy (decreases down the group)
Electronegativity (decreases down the group)
17 noble gases
18Noble gases are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nonflammable gases under standard conditions.
In the periodic table, the noble gases are arranged according to their boiling point.
19 are adding more protons and neutrons to the nuclei.
20 left of the staircase created by B, SI Ge, As, Sb, Te (metalloids), are all metals right are non-metals. Next the atomic number and therefore the proton number increase as you move from left to right B - 5, C - 6, N -7.