Answers are given below:
Step-by-step explanation:
A. Many regional societies wanted to trade with Egypt to get access to the grain, gold, linen, stone objects and papyrus.
B. Items like food grains, papyrus, linen, ivory, and gold traded by Egypt.
C. Egypt is known as the gift of the Nile because the region flourished with the help of the river as it provided water for drinking, trade, fertile soil, and fishing.
D. cataracts prevented Nubian to trade by the river, so they had to trade through land routes.
E. Egyptians view the death as a temporary interruption which can be continued afterlife. The ancient Egyptians believed in immortality. Egyptians believed in preserving the body Pharaohs and Queens by Mummification. Death, according to the Egyptians, was an interruption that can be continued, through preserving the body.