Weathering ➡️ Erosion ➡️ Deposition ➡️ Compaction ➡️ Cementation
Step-by-step explanation:
The processes of sedimentary rock formation involves:
1. Weathering: The preexisting rocks are weathered through abrasion caused by sand-blasting and other weathering processes. This breaks down the rocks into smaller pieces.
2. Erosion: Erosion acts as an agent of transportation of the weathered products. The sediments that are weathered are transported through erosion. The flowing or flooding water carries them to where they are deposited.
3. Deposition: The weathered materials are eroded and deposited layer upon layer. This happens when there is nothing that can move them away again.
4. Compaction: The sedimentation continues as the deposited sediments become increasingly overburden. They begin to compact together and closing down pore spaces.
5. Cementation: The dissolved minerals begin to form mineral crusts through precipitation or crystallization. This gradually cements the sediments to form a rock.