Ans: Hello ! My name is Francois. I am 15 years old and I am a student at the Lycée Jules Vernes. I do not like
not my schedule this year. I have eight classes, but I only like four. At my high school,
the schedule is divided into two days: day A and day B. My first day A class is my
least interesting course: math! It's geometry in fact. It is difficult and very boring. My
prof is called Mme Dupont. She's really smart and pretty strict. We have to solve
lots of long and complicated math problems during class and at home for homework.
And they're boring, and in my opinion, difficult. It's horrible!
After geometry, I go to my second A day course: English. It is not also
painful than geometry, but nevertheless, I do not like it. My teacher is M. Lebrun. He loves to read
books, talk about books and write about books. Me, I don't like books like him. I do not like
not write the written expressions either, but I have to do it to be successful in Mr.
The brown. Before my third class, I have a little break because it's time for lunch.
This is my favorite part of day A! I have lunch with my friends and we listen to the music or
let's play games on our laptops while we eat. We don't have a lot of
time, because lunch lasts only thirty minutes.
François' schedule: