1. A clock with internal mechanical parts comprises a system because it is a combination of various parts that a heterogeneous in nature and function working together to achieve one end - indicating the time accurately.
Some mechanical clocks comprise of at least 10 parts namely:
- Gear train: This component alone is a sub-system that comprises of at least 8 parts. These parts are broadly classified into wheels, pinions, and barrels.
- Main Spring
- Pallet
- Escapement
- Escapement Wheel
- Barrell
- Barrell Wheel
- Balance Spring etc
2. A clock is a non-living system.
Living systems have certain characteristics. Some of them are:
- Stimuli: Response to the environment
- Growth and development: The are able to increase in size and dimensions
- Homeostasis: this is the capability of self-regulation regardless of external conditions such as temperature and pressure. etc
3. A cannot support a living system. It can however help a human being (which is essentially a combination of various systems) to tell the time.
4. a system is a combination of heterogeneous parts that work in unison to form a whole complex entity that can perform one or more functions.