Directions: Read over each scenario and respond to the conflict in a peaceful manner.
Scenario 1: You are waiting in the lunch line and a person cuts in front of you. You call them out and tell them to get to the back of the line. They don’t and say forget you.
What can you do?
Scenario 2: You are walking down the hall and you see someone, boy/girl, flirting with your significant other.
What can you do?
Scenario 3: An essay is due in one of your classes, it took you all week. When you finally turn it in and some punk kid that didn’t write theirs decides to rip yours up.
What can you do?
Scenario 4: There is an argument between two classmates and you step in to calm the situation and one of them disrespects your family and involves you in the conflict in a way you don’t want.
What can you do?
Scenario 5: You get a piercing that is unusual and a group of kids make fun of you and call you names that you don’t think are appropriate.
What can you do?
Scenario 6: You see a smaller kid being physically bullied and you want to step in to help.
What can you do?
Scenario 7: If someone continues touching you, you ask them to stop but they continue. You don’t want to get them in trouble, so you don’t tell.
What can you do?
Scenario 8: You have two friends that don’t like each other and one of them is talking bad about the other friend. You want to tell your friend that getting talked about, but you don’t want to get in the middle of it.
What can you?