Sixty seconds!" Not sixty-one. No wiggle room. No "just a couple more seconds - we're almost there." And no second chances. They had just sixty seconds to land on the moon.
Absolutely no one expected it to happen. They painstakingly planned so it absolutely wouldn't-couldn't happen. But here they were, less than five hundred feet from the moon, and just about plumb out of fuel.
—Team Moon: How 400,000 People
Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon,
Catherine Thimmesh
Compare and contrast the author’s purpose for each article.
A. The NASA article is meant to entertain, while Team Moon is meant to inform.
B. The NASA article is meant to inform, while Team Moon is meant to entertain and inform.
C. The NASA article is meant to inform and persuade, while Team Moon is meant only to inform.
D. The NASA article is meant to inform and entertain, while Team Moon is meant to inform.