Number of red roses = 108
Number of white roses = 144
Number of yellow roses = 48
Number of purple roses = 72
If the number of roses in each bunch are identical,
Number of bunches of roses = HCF of number of roses
Factors of 144 = 3×3×2×2×2×2×1
Factors of 108 = 3×3×3×2×2×1
Factors of 72 = 3×3×2×2×2×1
Factors of 48 = 3×2×2×2×2×1
Common factors of 144, 108, 72, 48 = 3 × 2 × 2 × 1 = 12
Therefore, number of bunches of roses with equal number of roses = 12
Number of red roses in each bunch =
Number of white roses in each bunch =
Number of yellow roses in each bunch =
Number of purple roses in each bunch =