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DDT is dichlorodipphenylrtrichloroethane. It is was a popular insecticide used for agricultural purposes. Racheal Carson's book, silent springs drew attention to the use of insecticides such as DDT in agriculture.
DDT is a non-biodegradable, fat-soluble compound. It enters into the food chain and has the ability to bioaccumulate in the human body where it becomes deposited in the adipose tissue.
There is no direct harmful effect of DDT to humans, however, when oxidation of DDT takes place in body many harmful metabolites are released into the body causing harmful effects to human health such as; breast cancer, male infertility, miscarriages and low birth weight, developmental delay and liver damage.
There is convincing empirical evidence supporting the carcinogenicity of DDT its main metabolites DDE and DDD, however, many studies on the harm caused by DDT and its main metabolites in the body have so far led to inconclusive, and sometimes negative, results