Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: The Sequoyah Constitutional Convention influenced Oklahoma statehood in many ways. First and foremost, those who helped compose the Sequoyah Constitution also helped draft the Oklahoma Constitution. This included William Murray, who would be the president of the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention, and Charles Haskell, who would become the first governor of Oklahoma. Their experiences at the Sequoyah Convention would help them draft the Oklahoma Constitution. Many of the measures of the Sequoyah Constitution would appear in the Oklahoma Constitution as well. Among these measures were the bill of rights and a system of government separated into branches. In the Sequoyah Constitution, 31 rights were included in the bill of rights; the Oklahoma Constitution would add two more to that total. The government outlined in the Sequoyah Constitution also included a system of checks and balances for the branches of government as a limit on government power. This institutional distrust of the power of government would be a feature in the Oklahoma Constitution as well.
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