Follows are the code to this question:
def build_word_counter(string):#defining a method build_word_counter that accepts string as a parameter
d = dict()#defining d variable as a dictionary
for x in string:#defining for loop that use string
x = x.lower()#Use lower method
if not d.get(x):#defining if block that holds value in d variable
d[x] = 1#use dictionary to hold value in 1
else:#defining else block
d[x] += 1#use dictionary to increment value by 1
return d#return dictionary
print(build_word_counter(["Like","like","LIKE"]))#use print method to call method
def build_letter_distribution(string):#defining a method build_letter_distribution that accepts string variable
d = dict()#defining d variable as a dictionary
for i in string:#defining for loop to count string value
for j in i:#defining for loop to hold string as number
if not d.get(j):#defining if block that doesn't get value in dictionary
d[j] = 1#hold value in dictionary
else:#defining else block
d[j] += 1#use dictionary to increment the dictionary value
return d#return dictionary
print(build_letter_distribution(["Like","test","abcdEFG"]))#use print method to return its value
please find the attached file.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the first program a method, "build_word_counter" is defined that accepts a string variable in its parameter, and inside the method, a dictionary variable "d" is defined that uses the for loop to hold string value and convert all value into lower case.
In the next step, a conditional statement is used that holds value in the dictionary and count its word value.
In the second program a method, "build_letter_distribution" is defined that holds string variable in its parameter, and inside the method, a dictionary variable "d" is defined that uses the two for loop and in if the block, it holds value in the dictionary and returns its value, and use print method to print its return its value.