It is helpful to know how to compare and order fractions because when doing division between different groups or classes it is easy to determine their share and so on.
Suppose we have two fractions 1/2 and 1/3 . And suppose we have two cakes of equal sizes. We cut the first cake into 2 equal parts and the 2nd cake into three equal parts.
Now comparing both the cakes the cake with two pieces will have a larger piece as compared to the cake having three pieces.
So 1/2 > 1/3
or half of the cake is greater than one third of the cake.
The larger denominator means a smaller fraction because it shows greater number of divisions. Like wise a fraction with smaller denominator is a larger fraction as it shows smaller number of divisions.
It is helpful to know how to compare and order fractions because when doing division between different groups or classes it is easy to determine their share and so on.
It can be employed between the different groups and to find different rates / scores or for statistical calculations etc.
In finding the order of division and so on.