Pronouns: You, your, I.
The verb to be: Is, are
Verb Present: drawing, go, defends, feel, remember, rages, know, sing,
Verb past: won
Prepositions: of, on, in, after.
Object pronouns: me
Modal verb: would, will
Other words: song (noun), refuge (noun), alone (adjective)
Step-by-step explanation:
To fill this chart, you have to analyze the lyrics of the song and identify the different categories. There are different types of pronouns. You and I are subject pronouns, while your is a possessive pronoun.
The verb to be is only in the present in the song, so it is are and is.
The only verb in the past is won, which is the past of win.
The prepositions are always concerning other words like a noun, adjective, or pronoun. In this case, the prepositions are of, in, on, and after.
Object pronouns are pronouns that, in a sentence, are in the place of an object. For example, in the sentence,- Your love defends me- the subject is your love, and the direct object is me.
Modal verbs are words that express a possibility like a will or would.
The other words in the song are adjectives, nouns, and adverbs.