Answer: Yes, it appears to be a valid option of the rural development. Explanation: The process of the counter urbanization or de-urbanisation is the demographic ad the social process of the move of the people for the urban to the rural areas. Amongst these impacts are:
Public transport goes into decline. Traditional rural services start to close. Shops and services change to meet the needs of the new population. Traffic congestion increases. rural areas are closely linked, each contributing to the other, which needs to be considered in development planning. Agriculture has a strong impact on urban development. Many fast growing cities are within areas with the most rapid increase in the value of agricultural production. Positives of Counter Urbanisation: Counter Urbanisation can bring benefits to rural areas by bringing new and better transport links and also new services such as petrol stations and shops to that area. it also increases the value of the land as more people are moving out of the city; supporting the local economy. Counter urbanisation is a process in which certain groups of people, often the better off, leave urban areas for rural areas. ... Counter urbanisation generally occurs whn urbanisation reaches a high level. It is a complex process because some people will still be moving to urban areas as others are leaving.
Wealth is generated in cities, making urbanisation a key to economic development. However, urbanisation has caused air and water pollution, land degradation and loss of biodiversity. It has forced millions of people to live in slums without clean water, sanitation and electricity. Counterurbanization, or de-urbanization, is a demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas. It is, like suburbanization, inversely related to urbanization.