Quackery can be defined as a form of Health fraud,any form of promotion and sales of products and services, advertisment that has been proven to be effective and safe.
Quackery multiplies and spreads rapidly and it grows mostly on Individuals who have been diagnosed of illnesses that does not have a cute.
Three forms of quackery exists which includes; Medical quackery, Nutrition quackery and Device quackery.
MEDICAL QUACKERY has to do with those treatments,remedies and cures to those varying health conditions that are naturally bloodless or drugless.
NUTRITION QUACKERY on the other hand entails the promotion of nutritional practices like food fads which has a claimed to be all natural.
In nutritional quackery,there is a belief that those food fads and other nutritional practices have properties that are beneficial to health which are multiple plants in one product.
DEVICE QUACKERY had to do with these of miraculous devices ot gadgets example electrodes,dials,magnets,gauges and blinkers.
It is made to believe that these gadgets/devices cure certain health conditions.