1. The gong Ageng is the rack
gong of Gamelan
2. when Indoneslans want to express happiness in the piece they commonly use the slendro tuning
3. ColotomieStructure is the cyclical playing of music, in which each cycle is marked by a
periodic punctuation
4. Kendang is a distinct element found in Balinese Gamelan music in which a pair of gongs, one of them de-tuned, is played together, creating a sound similar to a tremolo
5. Islam is the dominant religion in Java
6. Metallophone is the term for an idiophone made of metal
7. Kendang is the drum used for Gamelan.
8. Effect Rebab is the Indonesian fiddle used in gamelannusic
9. Gong Kabyar is tied to the Bonang religion
10 The Pelog
is the instrument that usually punctuates each cycle in the colotomic
structure of Gamelan music