Answer: The majority of immigrants were "pulled" into America by the promise of opportunities, and others were "pushed" away from their home countries by hardships.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hey there! I will give the following steps, if you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments below. Good luck!
The majority of immigrants were "pulled" into America by the promise of opportunities, and others were "pushed" away from their home countries by hardships.
Immigration push/pull factors in the late 19th early 20th centuries-
Push Factors-
1. Poverty
2. Famine
3. Limited jobs
4. Limited land
5. Religious or political prosecution
Pull Factors-
1. Plenty of lands
2. Plenty of jobs
3. Democracy
4. Opportunity for social advancement
Europeans (Push/Pull Factors)-
Push Factors-
1. To escape religious persecution
2. Rising population
3. Limited land for farming
4. Very few jobs
Pull Factors-
1. Many jobs
2. Independent lives
Chinese/Pull Factors-
1. To seek fortune during the gold rush in 1848 (California gold rush)
2. To help build the nation's railroad
3. (When railroads were completed) farming, mining, and domestic service began
Japanese/Pull Factors-
1. 1884 Hawaiian planters recruited Japanese workers (Japanese emigration boom)
2. Hawaii annexation brought an increased amount of immigrants to the West Coast
3. Increased even more as word spread about high American wages
~I hope I helped you! :)~