25.07 × 5.4 = 135.378
In placement of the decimal point in multiplication , first check the numbers that will multiply and count the individual decimal points in the numbers.
In this case,
25.07 × 5.4 = 2 * 1 -------decimal place
The answer should have 2+1 = 3 decimal places-----note the addition sign
25.07 × 5.4 = 135.378 ---------the answer has 3 decimal places
The first answer is incorrect because ;
2.52 × 27.94 = 704.088 ----2 *2 = 4 , but the answer has 3
The second answer is incorrect because;
94.1 × 2.5 = 23.525 -----1 * 1= 2 decimal places, the answer has 3
The third answer is incorrect because ;
1.83 × 2.9 = 53.07--------2*1= 3 decimal places , the answer has 2