I need help (paragraph)
i need someone to write a paragraph using race , it stands for restate answer cite and explain citation. please help.
For hundreds of years, scientists have used animals to help them research science and medicine. Instead of experimenting on humans and causing them potential harm, scientists try things out on animals first. One famous example is the monkey who was the first to go to space so that astronauts could try to understand the impact of space travel on the body. This monkey, a rhesus monkey named Albert, died of suffocation. These experiments have led to medical breakthroughs that have helped humans. However, some animal rights activists believe that it is never acceptable to experiment on unwilling participants. Since animals cannot agree to take part in the research, they argue, scientists are behaving unethically by experimenting on them.
Use the RACE strategy to answer the following question.
Do you think scientists should experiment on animals? Explain.