Step-by-step explanation:
For the fire: The risk factor in that situation is that the house might get engulfed in flames because he is using water on a grease fire. The house getting engulfed in flames might be possible because you don't use water on a grease fire its only going to make it bigger. You could avoid that by using a fire extinguisher instead of water on a grease made fire. For the swimming: You could get bit by something or you could drown because you dont know how deep it is and if it could suck you under or something. You could drown to death and or get bit by an animal with a killer bite or get pulled under.
My own situation: You're on a field trip in the jungle, your class splits into 5 groups with 8 people in each group. You go with all of your friends and you guys decide to explore. Your friend finds non venomous snake, so she tells you to go pick it up but there is quick sand everywhere and you dont have a stick. Risk factor: You might get stuck in the quick sand and the snake might bite even though its not venomous that doesn't mean the bites dont hurt you. Outcome: You might get sucked under the quick sand. Response to danger: You might panic or stay calm and ask for a stick so you can lie on your back and wiggle you feet and even out your weight so you can get out.