Answer: 498,173.26.
Place value of the 9 in 329,513 = 9,000
9 is 10 times the value of the 9 in 329,513.
Then, place value of 9 in required number = 10x 9,000 = 90,000
from options only 95,826 and 498,173.26 has 9 at ten thousands place. (cancel all other options)
Also, 2 is
the value of the 2 in 7,562.
place value of 2 in required number =

i.e. place value of 2 in required number 2 tenths
which is in 498,173.26 [place value of 6 is
the value of the 6 in 4.68]
Hence, th required number is 498,173.26.