Chloe wanted to find out if the color of a food would affect how quickly kindergarten children would eat it for lunch. She believed that brightly colored food would be eaten more quickly because of the urgency of the color. She put food coloring into 4 identical serving bowls filled with mashed potatoes. A 5th identical bowl received only plain natural mashed potatoes. The colors were natural white, red, blue, green, and yellow. Each child was given a scoop of potatoes. Chloe did this experiment using 50 kindergarten students. 10 students were given each of the colors. She recorded the start and finish time of each student eating the potatoes and then calculated the difference in seconds. She did this over 5 days with each student getting each color. Multiple data takers (Chloe’s friends) made this experiment possible.
Control Group:
Dependent variable:
Independent variable: