1st Paragraph: An experience I recently had was when I went to visit my grandmother in South Carolina. I hadn’t seen her in a while, so it was really nice to be around her. When I got there I noticed not many people had on masks, which was weird to me because of the pandemic. I told my grandmother this and she said that it’s because they don’t care about anyone else. I always think about that when I see someone not doing something that should be done.
2nd Paragraph: A few months ago, I visited my grandmother in South Carolina for the first time in a while. I hadn’t seen her due to the pandemic, so it was really nice to be around her. When we went the store for groceries, I noticed many people were not wearing masks. This was weird to me since I was so used to seeing lots of people wearing masks. I told my grandmother how I felt about it and she told me that those kinds of people on care about themselves. I thought about it for awhile after that and realized how selfish some people were. So, whenever I see people who do things that don’t help benefit others, I always think about what my grandmother said.
This was made up lol. Hope it works